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Parma Permsky Kray vs BC Astana prediction, odds, lineups, h2h results and betting tips
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Possible lineups for Parma Permsky Kray vs BC Astana

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Match Preview
Parma Permsky Kray
The Astana basketball team has played 10 games so far. They have won 1 game and lost 9. In total, they scored 677 points but allowed 890 points to their opponents. On average, they scored about 67.7 points in each game and gave up around 89 points. If we add the points they scored and the points they allowed, we find that, on average, there were 156.7 points in each game.
BC Astana
After playing 10 games, Parma Perm has won 2 and lost 8. On average, they scored 76.7 points per game and allowed 86.6 points from their opponents. This means that in total, they scored 767 points and gave up 866 points across all 10 games. Overall, they scored a total of 163.3 points in each game, combining both their scores and the scores from their opponents.
Head to Head Score
Parma Perm and Astana have played against each other 12 times in basketball. Parma Perm won 10 of those games, while Astana won 2. On average, Parma Perm scored 86 points in each game, while Astana scored 74 points. Over all 12 games, the total scores were Parma Perm 1037 and Astana 885. The latest match between the two teams took place on December 17, 2024, and ended with a score of 62 to 83 in favor of Astana.
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