Argentino de Junín vs Ciclista Olímpico de La Banda prediction, odds, lineups, h2h results and betting tips
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Possible lineups for Argentino de Junín vs Ciclista Olímpico de La Banda

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Match Preview
Argentino de Junín
Ciclista Olimpico de La Banda has played 10 basketball games. They have won 3 of those games and lost 7. In total, the team scored 796 points but allowed 842 points from their opponents. This means that, on average, they scored about 79.6 points and gave up around 84.2 points per game. If we add the points they scored and the points they allowed, it shows that, on average, there were 163.8 points in each match.
Ciclista Olímpico de La Banda
In the 10 games for which we have stats, the Argentino de Junin basketball team won 3 times and lost 7 times. On average, they scored 72.3 points in each game and gave up 83.3 points. This means that in total, they scored 155.6 points and allowed the same amount. Over all 10 games, Argentino de Junin scored a total of 723 points and allowed 833 points.
Head to Head Score
Argentino de Junin and Ciclista Olimpico de La Banda have played each other 10 times. Argentino de Junin has won 1 game, while Ciclista Olimpico de La Banda has won 9 games. On average, Argentino de Junin scored 67 points per game, and Ciclista Olimpico de La Banda scored 77 points per game. Over all 10 games, the total points were 668 for Argentino de Junin and 768 for Ciclista Olimpico de La Banda. Their most recent game took place on November 1, 2024, and Ciclista Olimpico de La Banda won with a score of 95 to 69.
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